Before beginning any type of work on a historic property, it is important to understand the story of your house. Important information, such as how and when it was built and the materials that were used in construction, can help guide you thorugh any contemplated renovations. This research can involve visiting local archives, asking neighbours or community members for information, looking through deed records, and educating yourself on architectural periods and styles.  

As you begin thinking about renovations to your home, it's also important to confer with the Town's Community Development Department to sort out what permissions and permits you need and to seek advice on how best to go about your project.

We encourage you to click here to visit a resource website developed by student Helah Cooper in partnership with the NSCC Heritage Carpentry program to learn about everything you need to know around rules, regulations, and permitting for heritage properties in Bridgewater.

You can also directly contact Bridgewater's Community Development Department at 902-543-2274 for more information.
