60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

In the Town of Bridgewater we envision a future where residents have affordable and efficient energy for their homes and transportation. We are making it easier and more affordable to do home or apartment building upgrades like insulation, heat pumps, and more. At the same time, we are connecting residents who are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity to housing supports. We are also developing an Energy Management Information System that can help monitor and identify opportunities to further reduce energy costs. All of these offerings are combined to help support those who are struggling with their housing and energy needs.

In 2019, Energize Bridgewater was declared the winner of Infrastructure Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge in the $5 million prize category, beating out 49 other communities from across Canada. As the Energize Bridgewater team works towards the program’s goal of reducing the energy poverty rate in our community by 20% by 2026, you can follow our progress, and learn about how you can benefit from the program, by visiting energizebridgewater.ca. For more about the history of Energize Bridgewater and other sustainability initiatives of the Town of Bridgewater, you can browse our document library below.

Smart Cities Challenge Library 
Community Energy Investment Plan: The Way Forward – 2018

Smart Cities Challenge - Bridgewater's Winning Project Document – 2019

Energize Bridgewater Partner Kick-off Engagement Session Summary – 2019

Detailed Operational Study: Local Energy Financing Systems  - 2019

Community Energy Financing Mechanisms Scoping Study- 2019

Energy Poverty in Bridgewater Report  - 2019

Renewable Energy Resource Study 2020

Energy Needs, Housing, and Well-Being in the Town of Bridgewater Report - 2022

Milestone Reports 
The Town of Bridgewater submits a Milestone Report to Infrastructure Canada every six months to report on our progress towards our goal. You can click on our Milestone Reports listed below to read them.

Milestone 1 – March 2019 to September 2019

Milestone 2 – September 2019 to March 2020

Milestone 3 – March 2020 to September 2020

Milestone 4 – September 2020 to March 2021

Milestone 5 – March 2021 to September 2021

Milestone 6 – September 2021 to March 2022

Milestone 7 – March 2022 to September 2022

Milestone 8 – September 2022 to March 2023

Milestone 9 -- March 2023 to September 2023

The Town of Bridgewater's Energize Bridgewater project is working to help tenants, landlords, and homeowners in Bridgewater take charge of their monthly energy bills. We have complied resources to help you save money and reduce energy consumption. Learn more on the Energize Bridgewater website: https://www.energizebridgewater.ca/resources.

For further reading on energy poverty and affordable housing in Bridgewater and Nova Scotia, visit the links below: 

South Shore Housing Action Coalition: Housing Needs Assessment

Solving Nova Scotia's Electricity Pricing Problem: Energy Affordability vs Rising Electricity Prices

For more about energy poverty across Canada, visit energypoverty.ca

Energize Bridgewater Advisory Committee (EBAC) 
The Energize Bridgewater Advisory Committee (EBAC) is a committee of Bridgewater Town Council made up of residents and community partners. The committee meets every two months. For more information and to get involved, visit the EBAC webpage.

What is Energy Poverty?
 Defining Energy Poverty
Energize Bridgewater in the Media 

Ask Us

Ask UsHave a question related to Planning? Sometimes the fastest way to get an answer is to speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff!

phoneTel: 902-541-4369

emailEmail Us: develop@bridgewater.ca

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