60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142

Participating Vendors & Educators

Button Tree Soap

Soap Making Demonstration

Wintergreen Farm

Fire by friction, felting, cordage demos and much, much more!

Peter Churchill

Farming and Logging with Draft Horses. Demonstration with an on-site gas powered forge.

Rumtopf Farm

Demonstration in willow basket making.

Ecology Action Centre

Traditional skills demonstration in at-home canning and preserving.

Laurie Lacey

Traditional Mi'Kmaq plant and tree medicines.

Lori Covington

Forging for wild food in your backyard and beyond!

Doug Conners

Biologically derived fuels from waste vegetables:  a demonstration of how vegetable oil can be converted to bio-diesel, then, after filtering, used directing as an engine fuel. They will also have a small information display to facilitate group discussion, as well as a simple filtering system, an example car to demonstrate the components, and one litre batches of oil the audience will convert to bio-diesel.

DesBrisay Museum

Demonstration on traditional skills including using rags to make rugs, visitors can try it out!

Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute

Interactive educational booth focusing on species at risk,

Region 6 Solid Waste Management

Learn about recycling.

Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation

Come and enjoy the "touch tank" filled with local aquatic life.

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

Learn about the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg's Integrated Sustainability Plan (ICSP).

Slow Food Nova Scotia

Slow Food is a non-profit, eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world. To do that, Slow Food brings together pleasure and responsibility, and makes them inseparable.

Helping Nature Heal

An informational booth on organic gardening, sustainable planting and environmental landscaping. There will also be organic kelp, seeds and t-shirts available for purchase


"The Right Tire Changes Everything" The economics and green effects of having a tire that improves fuel economy and lasts longer.

Do it Textile Repair

Textile artists kate Church and Nancy Price will provide an oppotunity for hands-on textile repairs such as darning, patching and mending. Don't miss the discussion of deconstructing old clothes to turn into new clothes. Bring your socks and sweaters that need repair!

Dave's Vacuum Clinic

Pick up some compostable food containers and utensils, as well as scent free sanitizers and green cleaning products in refillable containers.

Terry Durnavich

Handbound bools and book jewellery, as well as sustainably made wooden fairy houese.

Department of Natural Resources

Learn about the "Wood lot management home study" and "Woodlot owner of the year" programs.

The Nodding Group

Visit the Nodding Group for solar, heat pumps. pink solution, recycling bins, power inverters, solar pool heaters and more!

Balle Nova Scotia

Local indepentantly owned business network in Nova Scotia working to build sustainable a vibrant communities.

Nova Scotia Environment

Informational kisok on the programs of Nova Scotia Environemnt

Clean Nova Scotia

An informational kiosk on Clean Nova Scotia programs with an interactive game for kids.

Thom Drew

Learn the art of handtool repair so you can maintin your own garden and household tools.

Deborah Naugler- Soapnuts

Vendors of jewlery as well as Soapnuts a chemical free cleaning product.

Munch Health to You

Vegan foods

 Lisa Lelliott

Iyengar Yoga information and demonstrations

Bear Cove Resources- Composted Seaweed

Vendor of compost for lawn and garden made from locally sourced seaweed.

Participating vendors, information kiosks, and green living skills groups will be added here as they are confirmed. Check back soon for more information!

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