60 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 3X9
Tel: 902-543-4651 Fax: 902-543-6876
Emergency After Hours Tel: 902-543-5142


Main Schedule
7:00 am King Street closes (Empire to Dominion)
8:30 am Festival opens
9:00 am Opening ceremony 1
9:45 am Opening ceremony 2
10:00 am Walk n' Roll Parade
10:15 am Walk n' Roll guided bike ride and walk
11:00 am Active transportation celebration & awards
12:30 pm Festival closes
2:30 pm King Street re-opens
Partner Event Schedule

Hodge Podge Community Garden Open House (12:00PM - 2:00PM)·- corner of Aberdeen and Elm (enjoy free hodge podge, and slip n' slide for kids of all ages!)

Green Legacy Project (2:00PM - 4:00PM)·- help clean up the LaHave River bank and restore nature - LaHave Street next to Empire Studio 7 Cinemas.

Bridgewater Library Art Display (opens 8:30AM) - grand opening of a 5-week stunning display of the finest local artistic talent. ·Theme: "sustainability is..."

Schedule subject to change without notice


Musicians & Performers
(Market Stage) 
8:30 am
Dylan Cormier
9:15 am Jennah Barry
10:00 am Alex Hickey
11:00 am Rockwell Beaver
12:00 pm Jewels of the East (belly dancing)

Schedule subject to change without notice


Healthy Living Activities & Entertainment (River Stage) 
8:30 am
Lisa Avramenko, Happy Fit
9:05 am Alexandra Nedergaard, Chair Yoga
9:40 am Lisa Lelliott, Iyengar Yoga
10:15 am Taoist Tai Chi Society
11:00 am Walk n' Roll Celebration & Prizes
11:15 am Stewart Franck, singer-songwriter
12:00 pm Nick Jeffry, singer-songwriter

Schedule subject to change without notice


Participating Vendors & Educators
Barr's Savoury Pies
Bear Cove Resources
Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation
Bridgewater Active Transportation
Bridgewater & Area Performing Arts Society
Broadfork Farm
Bullfrog Power
Citizens for Public Transit
Clean Nova Scotia
Community Sustainability Network of Bridgewater & Area
Dave's Vacuum Clinic
Desbrisay Museum / Wile Carding Mill
Do It Textile Repairs
EarthSea Interpretations Unlimited
Ecology Action Centre
Friends of Keji
From Mother Nature with Love
Gaspereau Valley Fibres
Green Lizard - Renewable Energy Solutions
Jake & Melissa Wentzell (Foot Path Farm)
La Leche League / Baby Friendly Initiative
LaHave Watershed Project
Laurie Lacey
Lunenburg Bike Barn
Lunenburg / Queens Federation of Agriculture
Lunenburg Regional Community Recycling Centre & Region 6
Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute
Muffin Fancy
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
Naugler's Designed Jewelry
Norma Smith
Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
Nova Scotia Department of Environment
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Nova Scotia Enviromental Network & SENSE
Nova Scotia E2 Energy Challenge (Acadia University)
Patti Hirtle's Stained Glass Mosaics
Pizza Party Pizza
Richard Hennigar
Sandra's Choice
SeaCoast HVAC
Second Story Womens Centre
South Shore Council of Canadians
South Shore Public Libraries
South Shore Waldorf School
Sweet Cheeks Diaper Service
Terry Durnavich
Thomas Drew
We are One Farm
Windhorse Farm
Yarns @ Play
Young Naturalists Club of Lunenburg County

List of participating vendors and educators subject to change without notice.

Bridgewater is "Growing Green!" This unique festival is dedicated to "sustainability". It is a fun and colourful introduction to the idea that all people can live within the Earth's means, while meeting their basic needs. Bridgewater's main street is closed down for a morning that includes farm-fresh local foods, displays full of products that can help your family leave a lighter footprint on the Earth, loads of Earth-friendly activities for kids, and an endless line-up of our freshest local musical and performing talent. Ever wondered how people power their cars on veggie oil or make their own clothing from scratch using recycled materials? Our "green living skills demonstrators" are there to show you how you can do it all yourself using the best of traditional and modern techniques.  Best of all, the event is completely FREE!  It is organized by the Town of Bridgewater and community volunteers, organizations and businesses.

Date & Time: The Festival took place on Saturday July 23, 2011, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. (Setup starts at 7:00 am.)

Location: King Street, between Empire St. and Dominion St. (Street closed to car traffic 7:00 am to 2:30 pm - please come on foot or park on nearby streets)


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See photos and information from last year's event


The Growing Green Festival is Bridgewater’s way of expressing its pride in becoming a sustainable community. Through it, our community engages itself in deliberate small and large acts of vision and daring to improve our home town, build our sense of community, and celebrate the simple things we can all do to make a difference. We do so by creating an environment that explodes in a colourful and fun mosaic highlighting the unique individual passions, talents and efforts of our local people, businesses and organizations. The Festival plants positive ideas... in order to harvest a sustainable future.


  • Expanded Bridgewater Farmers' Market & local food & drink
  • Information and activities that help you live greener and healthier
  • Environmentally responsible products and services for all areas of life
  • A special "town greening" action, that everyone can take part in!
  • The "Walk n' Roll" - a fun parade and guided walk & bike ride
  • Art display at the Bridgewater Library
  • kids activities & belly dancers!
  • … and much, much more!


Click here to download the Walk n' Roll poster



Featuring: Maria Kuttner, Sue Obatta and Sattler Stained Glass Studios, Sara Harley, Margo Isbister, Carole Langille, Rita Lamontagne -Macdonald, Rebecca Roher, Wendy Muise, Diane Wile-Brumm, Lezlie Morgan, Susan Venables, Karen Langlois and Stephanie Daffey


How can you get involved? (Click for more information)

If you would like to know more about getting involved in one of these ways, please read the documents linked to each group above, or simply contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 541-4390.


2011 Growing Green! Festival Sponsors

A heartfelt thanks to the following people and organizations who have provided financial and in-kind support to the festival!

...and many more to be confirmed soon!

2011 Growing Green! Festival Partners

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